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Unit Conversion Utility-UnitConvertor-A 2.4.22 by: Institute of Mathematics and Statistics

Professional and comprehensive unit-converter for Windows
License: Shareware, Price: $15.00 US
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Downloads: 577
Size: 4016 K
Date: 2018-08-22
Keywords: unit conversion, unit converter, conversion, converter, unit, convert length, length, density, utility, tool
Innovative calculator - InnoCalculator 1.1.28 by: Institute of Mathematics and Statistics

InnoCalculator is multipurpose and comprehensive desktop calculator for Windows
License: Shareware, Price: $15.00 US
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Downloads: 215
Size: 3688 K
Date: 2018-06-22
Keywords: inno, innocalc, innocalculator, innovative, equation, multivariate, desktop, windows, analysis, function, arithmetic, scientific, documentation, calculator, paste, complex, buttons, keyboard, multi-clipboard, display, editor, math, cut, smart, text editor, financial, build
Unit Conversion Utility-UnitConvertor-B 2.5.21 by: Institute of Mathematics and Statistics

Fluid and Engineering unit-converter for Windows
License: Shareware, Price: $15.00 US
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Downloads: 213
Size: 4000 K
Date: 2018-06-22
Keywords: unit conversion, unit converter, conversion, converter, unit, convert engineering, fluid, viscosity, utility, tool
Unit Conversion Utility-UnitConvertor-C 2.6.21 by: Institute of Mathematics and Statistics

Electricity, Magnetism and Sound unit-converter for Windows
License: Shareware, Price: $15.00 US
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Downloads: 215
Size: 3990 K
Date: 2018-06-22
Keywords: unit conversion, unit converter, conversion, converter, unit, convert electricity, magnetism, sound, utility, tool
Unit Conversion Utility-UnitConvertor-D 2.7.21 by: Institute of Mathematics and Statistics

Heat, Light and Radiology unit-converter for Windows
License: Shareware, Price: $15.00 US
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Downloads: 226
Size: 4062 K
Date: 2018-06-22
Keywords: unit conversion, unit converter, conversion, converter, unit, convert heat, light, radiology, utility, tool
FuturesCalc 2.0.0 by: IronCondor.us

Futures and options calculator with additional trading information for traders.
License: Shareware, Price: $19.95 US
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Downloads: 1022
Size: 5497 K
Date: 2017-07-01
Keywords: business, calculator, code, commodity, commodities, contract, derivative, download, exchange, finance, future, futures, futurescalc, invest, loss, market, option, options, professional, profit, program, shareware, software, specification, trade, trader, trading, web, windows
Desktop Fay 3.0.1 by: Dmitry Kozhinov

Virtual Assistant for Windows with Reminder, Email, and Calculator.
License: Shareware, Price: $12.95 US
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Downloads: 1167
Size: 9863 K
Date: 2016-03-24
Keywords: desktop fay, virtual assistant, email assistant, reminder, email, email client, calculator
Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator by: Eye4Software B.V.

Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator is a tool to convert GPS or map coordinates
License: Shareware, Price: $119.00 US
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Downloads: 1346
Size: 9177 K
Date: 2015-11-20
Keywords: Coordinate Conversion, Coordinate Calculator, Convert Coordinates, GPS Coordinates Conversion, Map Datum Conversion, Map Projection, NADCON, HARN, NTv2, Transverse Mercator, Stereographic, Lambert Conformal Conic, Polar Stereographic, Gauss Kruger, UTM
Network Incident Tracker 1.0 by: CiscoNet Solutions

Comprised of an incident tracking application and common troubleshooting tools
License: Shareware, Price: $7.95 US
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Downloads: 885
Size: 400 K
Date: 2015-07-03
Keywords: help desk, network support, cisco, ping, traceroute, putty, network management, wireshark, pathping, ios, subnet calculator, skype, cisco tac
Aplus Free PDF Merger- Merge PDF Files by: Aplus PDF

Free PDF Merger is freeware software that enables to join various PDF file
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 827
Size: 812 K
Date: 2015-05-01
Keywords: Free, PDF, Merger, Application, join, Files, Freeware, Software, Download, Modify, Resize, Merge, Adobe, Document, Utility, Combine, Several, Odd, Even, Large, PDFs, Program, Add, Append, Concatenate, Unite, Tool, Manage, Control, Multiple, Pages