HLTracker 2.0.0 by: Codebox Software

Alternative Hotline Tracker software with many additional features
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 375
Size: 2296 K
Date: 2004-02-29
Keywords: hotline communications, hotline, communications, bigredh, hltracker, hotline tracker, tracker, server, codebox, p2p, chat
RegEx.DLL 0.6.0 by: Codebox Software

Provides regular-expression handling for VB implementing UNIX-style regex syntax
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 457
Size: 29 K
Date: 2004-01-25
Keywords: vb, com, activex, codebox, regular expression, regex, regexp, regex.dll, wildcard, wildcards, ocx
INIFile.DLL 2.0.0 by: Codebox Software

A COM DLL providing easy object-oriented access to INI files
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 423
Size: 22 K
Date: 2004-01-24
Keywords: vb, ini file, ini, file, inifile, codebox, com, activex, dll, inifile.dll, ocx
Hyperlink.OCX 1.0.2 by: Codebox Software

ActiveX control for creating hyperlinks to open web pages or launch applications
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 398
Size: 55 K
Date: 2003-12-23
Keywords: vb, link, hyperlink, com, ocx, codebox, hyperlink.ocx, activex, dll
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