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SDEN - Distillation simulator 1.7 by: Vaxa Software

SDEN - Distillation simulator of binary mixtures from 1 to 6 consecutive stages
License: Shareware, Price: $24.00 US
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Downloads: 544
Size: 1729 K
Date: 2012-03-29
Keywords: distillation, simulator, Windows, program, software, alcohol, still, pot, Rayleigh, equation, distillate, concentration, mole fraction, water, mixture, binary, relative volatility, VLE, equilibrium, liquid, vapor, head, column, wine, whiskey, drink
OptionMatrix 1.2c by: opensourcefinancialmodels.com

Derivatives Calculator for Futures, Options, Spreads, Term Structures and Bonds
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 308
Size: 6448 K
Date: 2012-02-08
Keywords: Financial, Derivative, Future, Options, Spread, Put, Call, Black-Scholes, Calculator, Roll Geske Whaley, Garman, KohlHagen, Vasicek, Merton-73, Black-76, Jump Diffusion, Binomial, Monte Carlo, Bond, Implied Volatility
DTDF - Design of distillation columns 1.7.1 by: Vaxa Software

DTTF Number of Theoretical Plates by McCabe-Thiele method for distillation tower
License: Shareware, Price: $24.00 US
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Downloads: 524
Size: 2247 K
Date: 2011-06-21
Keywords: McCabe, Thiele, method, theoretical, plates, distillation tower, binary mixture, distillated, feed, bottoms, operational, chemical engineering, mole fraction, ethanol, design, relative volatility, NTP, trays, vapor liquid equilibrium, VLE
PTTD - Design of distillation columns 1.7.1 by: Vaxa Software

PTTD Number of Theoretical Plates by McCabe-Thiele method for distillation tower
License: Shareware, Price: $24.00 US
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Downloads: 557
Size: 2247 K
Date: 2011-06-21
Keywords: McCabe, Thiele, method, theoretical, plates, distillation tower, binary mixture, distillated, feed, bottoms, operational, chemical engineering, mole fraction, ethanol, design, relative volatility, NTP, trays, vapor liquid equilibrium, VLE
Stock Volatility Calculator 1 by: Option Trading Tips

Spreadsheet that extracts free historical stock volatility data from Yahoo
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 251
Size: 70 K
Date: 2008-07-01
Keywords: historical volatility, calculate volatility, option pricing, option trading
WebCab Options (J2EE Edition) 3.1 by: WebCab Components

EJB Suite implementing General Equity derivatives pricing framework.
License: Demo, Price: $199.00 US
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Downloads: 521
Size: 27615 K
Date: 2004-10-05
Keywords: options, futures, EJB, J2EE, J2EE, Java, European, Asian, American, Lookback, Bermuda, Binary, Monte Carlo, Finite Difference, volatility, WebLogic, WebSphere, JSP, Java
WebCab Options (J2SE Edition) 3.1 by: WebCab Components

General Equity derivatives pricing framework.
License: Demo, Price: $159.00 US
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Downloads: 564
Size: 9375 K
Date: 2004-10-05
Keywords: options, futures, Java, JavaBeans, Class Libraries, J2SE, JSP, European, Asian, American, Lookback, Bermuda, Binary, Monte Carlo, Finite Difference, volatility
WebCab Options and Futures for .NET 3.0 by: WebCab Components

Add our Equity derivatives pricing framework to COM, .NET and Web service Apps
License: Demo, Price: $143.00 US
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Downloads: 225
Size: 7617 K
Date: 2004-10-05
Keywords: options, futures, .NET, COM, XML, Web service, Class Libraries, C#, VB.NET, European, Asian, American, Lookback, Bermuda, Binary, Monte Carlo, Finite Difference, volatility
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