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Bar Code Generator for .NET/ASP.NET TBarCode 11.0.2 by: TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH

Barcode NET: Barcode Generator (Barcode Class, WinForm/WebForm)
License: Demo, Price: $110.00 US
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Downloads: 794
Size: 19716 K
Date: 2013-03-25
Keywords: barcode, bar code, barcodes, bar codes, bar, code, linear, 1D, 2D, 2D code, 2D barcode, 2D bar code, .NET, NET, dotnet, ASP, control, webform, winform, software, print, printing, generate, generator, create, creator, creating, Datamatrix, QRCode, PDF417, Semacode, GS1, DataBar
BarCode-ActiveX 5.92 by: RKD Software

Easily add barcode printing to your projects with this ActiveX control.
License: Shareware, Price: $179.00 US
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Downloads: 517
Size: 1118 K
Date: 2012-08-27
Keywords: barcode, activex, ocx, controlsoftware, steuerelement, printing, bar, code, ean, ean13, ean8, UPC-A, UPC-E, code128, ean128, interleaved 2 of 5, codabar, internet, datamatrix, code39, code93, msi, upc, upca, upce, codabar, msi, ean2, ean5, word, excel, office, delphi, IIS
iBarcoder, Windows barcode generator 1.3.2 by: Cristallight Software

create, print and export barcodes as vector graphics or high resolution images
License: Shareware, Price: $34.95 US
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Downloads: 427
Size: 1578 K
Date: 2012-02-28
Keywords: windows barcode, bar codes, qr code generator, barcode generator, print barcode, barcode software, barcode labeling, barcode label maker, ISMN, datamatrix, ISBN, Codabar, POSTNET, UPC, Code 39, Code 128, EAN, isbn barcode generator, barcode generator price
Bytescout BarCode Reader SDK 2.20.433 by: ByteScout

Read barcodes from images (JPG, PNG, TIF, multipaged TIF) with the .NET SDK
License: Shareware, Price: $395.00 US
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Downloads: 492
Size: 16420 K
Date: 2012-02-08
Keywords: read barcodes, read barcode, barcode, barcode reader, bar code, sdk, recognize, barcode recognition, recognize barcode, pdf417, datamatrix, 1d, 2d, image, ean, codabar, code39, bytescout, .net, dot net, c#, vb, visual basic, asp.net
Barcode Creator Software Barcode Studio 12.2.1 by: TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH

Barcode Software: Create 1D/2D/GS1 Barcodes. Barcode Maker: Image, EPS, Printer
License: Demo, Price: $113.00 US
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Downloads: 1296
Size: 10484 K
Date: 2012-01-26
Keywords: Barcode, Bar Code, Barcodes, Bar Codes, Barcode Maker, Software, Barcode Creator, Barcode Image, Code39, Code128, RSS, GS1, HIBC, Aztec, Micro QR-Code, PDF417, make barcodes, create barcodes, barcode software, generate barcodes, QRCode, 2D Barcode, DataMatrix Code, 1D, 2D
J4L-RBarcode for .NET 2.1 by: J4L Components

.NET Windows, WPF, and Web controls that creates 1D and 2D barcodes
License: Demo, Price: $64.00 US
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Downloads: 345
Size: 1660 K
Date: 2011-12-13
Keywords: dotnet, .net, c#, vbnet, barcode, barcodes, barcoding, datamatrix, pdf417, rss, rss14, ean, ucc, qrcode, aztec, GS1, codabar
DataMatrix Decoder SDK/DLL 2.0 by: AIPSYS Software Laboratory

Decoderectangular and square DataMatrix barcode image using C/C++
License: Shareware, Price: $495.00 US
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Downloads: 235
Size: 292 K
Date: 2011-10-04
Keywords: Datamatrix, Datamatrix Font, correction levels, Structured Append, decoder, decode, scanner, reader, tilde, C40, position detection patterns
DataMatrix Decoder SDK/LIB for Mobile 2.0 by: AIPSYS Software Laboratory

Decoderectangular and square DataMatrix barcode image using C/C++
License: Shareware, Price: $495.00 US
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Downloads: 196
Size: 292 K
Date: 2011-10-04
Keywords: Datamatrix, Datamatrix Font, SDK/LIB, correction levels, Structured Append, decoder, reader, scanner, tilde, C40, position detection patterns
DataMatrix Encoder SDK/ASP Control 2.5 by: AIPSYS Software Laboratory

Generate DataMatrix barcode and save as BMP,GIF,PNG,JPG image on ASP Server
License: Shareware, Price: $125.00 US
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Downloads: 257
Size: 292 K
Date: 2011-09-15
Keywords: Datamatrix, Datamatrix Font, correction levels, Structured Append, ASP Control, Encoder, generator, font, tilde, C40, position detection patterns
DataMatrix Encoder SDK/LIB 2.0 by: AIPSYS Software Laboratory

Generate DataMatrix barcode and save as BMP,GIF,PNG,JPG image using C/C++
License: Shareware, Price: $125.00 US
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Downloads: 227
Size: 292 K
Date: 2011-09-07
Keywords: Datamatrix, Datamatrix Font, SDK/LIB, correction levels, Structured Append, generator, static library, Encode, tilde, C40, position detection patterns