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MITCalc Profiles Calculation 1.20 by: MITCalc

Area characteristic of profiles and mass characteristic of solids
License: Shareware, Price: $16.00 US
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Downloads: 1317
Size: 1701 K
Date: 2017-07-11
Keywords: area characteristic, profile characteristic, mass characteristic, profile editor, profile design, graphics editor, profile extrusion, profile rotation
MITCalc Slender strut buckling 1.20 by: MITCalc

Calculation of the slender strut (column) buckling
License: Shareware, Price: $18.00 US
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Downloads: 1323
Size: 1840 K
Date: 2017-07-11
Keywords: buckling, slender strut, beam, column, moment, stress, safety, DIN 1025, 1026, 1028, 1029, cross-section, area characteristics, permitted stress, Johnson, Tetmajer, Euler, Secant
LanAgent Standard 5.5 by: NetworkProfi

LanAgent: full monitoring of a remote computer, all user's actions are recorded
License: Shareware, Price: $49.90 US
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Downloads: 1188
Size: 32890 K
Date: 2016-02-08
Keywords: monitoring, remote, computer, employee, local area network, lan, lanagent, cover curveillance, tracking, keylogger
Screen Ruler 2D 1.15 by: Infonautics GmbH

Screen Ruler 2D is a pixel ruler for the desktop which measures in 2 dimensions.
License: Shareware, Price: $20.00 US
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Downloads: 1046
Size: 1000 K
Date: 2015-08-31
Keywords: screen ruler 2d, pixel ruler, desktop ruler, ruler on screen, screen size ruler, screen ruler windows, ruler for screen, measure screen, measure desktop, on-screen ruler, color picker, windows pixel ruler, virtual ruler, magnifier
PCBooster Free AntiSpyware 7.3.7 by: PCBooster, Inc.

Search out & remove all the spyware and other malware threats.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 664
Size: 131193 K
Date: 2014-10-24
Keywords: antispyware, anti-spyware, antimalware, anti-malwareantoadware, antispyware software, free antispyware, pc booster, free pc booster, pc tune up, pc tune-up, pc tuneup, tuneup utility, free tuneup suite, tuneup utilities, free tuneup utilities
Trades Math Calculator 2.0.1a by: CNC Consulting

Solve common machine shop math problems quickly and easily!
License: Demo, Price: $14.99 US
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Downloads: 597
Size: 6976 K
Date: 2014-04-02
Keywords: trig, trigonometry, speeds and feeds, bolt circle, cutting speed, milling speed, machinist calculator, taper calculations, screw thread measure, ball nose cutter, machinist helper, calculators, machining math, drill charts, shop math, chord geometry
DTMF Tone Decoder 2013 by: PAS-Products

The DTMF Decoder software is an essential tool for audio technicians
License: Shareware, Price: $69.00 US
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Downloads: 530
Size: 4187 K
Date: 2014-02-06
Keywords: DTMF Tone Decoder, audio technicians, police officers, forensic technicians, countermeasures technicians, essential tool
Liquid Measure 2 Dark Fluid 1.0 by: Shmehao.com

Liquid Measure 2 Dark Fluid is an interesting puzzle game for free.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 364
Size: 6431 K
Date: 2013-07-26
Keywords: Liquid Measure 2 Dark Fluid, puzzle
Shareaza Acceleration Tool 2.8.0 by: P2PAccelerators

Shareaza Acceleration Tool is a new add-on for Shareaza.
License: Freeware, Price: $0.00 US
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Downloads: 418
Size: 9671 K
Date: 2013-07-05
Keywords: Internet, File, Sharing, MP3, Search, Tool, Download, Shareaza, Acceleration
PDF Copy Paste 1.01 by: Wondersoft

Crop out text and graphics from your PDF file and paste it to other applications
License: Shareware, Price: $69.00 US
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Downloads: 381
Size: 2131 K
Date: 2013-06-30
Keywords: crop, pdf, text, graphics, cut, out, portion, copy, paste, cropping, picture, image, photo, chart, graphical, element, selected, area, windows, clipboard, save, selection, word, excel, powerpoint, visio, publisher, adobe, photoshop, illustrator, coreldraw, JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, TIFF