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    C: \ System Utilities \ File Compression \ CatCompress 32-bit 1.03 \ Author

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    CatCompress 32-bit 1.03 - Author Info Page

    Description: CatCompress is a popular arhive manager software with a high compression ratio... (more)

    Author Info for CatCompress 32-bit 1.03

    Author/Company Name: CatCompress

    Country: China

    Web Site: http://www.catcompress.com

    Programs listed: 2

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    CatCompress 64-bit iconCatCompress 64-bit 1.03   (Downloads: 614)
    CatCompress is a popular arhive manager software with a high compression ratio. CatCompress is a popular file compress and arhive manager software with a high compression ratio.
    CatCompress features:
    ->Fully supported format include: catcp, zip, 7z, tar, and wim, that includes compressed and extracted too;
    ->Open and extract supported archive format include: "catcp rar zip 7z wim arj bz2 bzip2 cab cpio deb dmg exe fat gz gzip hfs iso lha lzh lzma ntfs rpm squashfs swm tar taz tbz tbz2 tgz tpz tpz4 txz whd xar xz z...

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