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    C: \ Desktop \ Screen Savers: Seasonal \ Trailer Gallery Interior ScreenSaver 1.5 \ Author

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    Trailer Gallery Interior ScreenSaver 1.5 - Author Info Page

    Description: Trailer, a prototype of which have recently had the designers not only looks wow.. (more)

    Author Info for Trailer Gallery Interior ScreenSaver 1.5

    Author/Company Name: StrikePill.com

    Country: Russian Federation

    Web Site: http://www.strikepill.com/screensavers.shtml

    Programs listed: 11

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    Saturn Scream Christmas ScreenSaver iconSaturn Scream Christmas ScreenSaver 1.2   (Downloads: 324)
    Saturn screams to Santa that he also wants to celebrate our Christmas! Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. The second largest planet in the Solar System. First is Jupiter. Most people know about Saturn's rings due to its amazing. For centuries, astronomers thought that Saturn - it's the only planet that has the bright ring. Saturn's rings are usually easy for seeing, because they big and consist of bright myriads of ice particles small and large ice splinters. Sometimes when the world's beautiful Christmas extraterrestrial flying ...

    Attractive Top Clock ScreenSaver iconAttractive Top Clock ScreenSaver 1.5   (Downloads: 428)
    Install Now! timepiece and you will be transferred in a pleasant atmosphere of! Now! Attractive top clock provide unusual presentation of time which involves into interesting fascinating game in real world. Install these timepiece and you will be transferred in a pleasant atmosphere of the capacities which can be equipped with gaming entertainment. Join the smooth skyline of Time!...

    Wild Panther Range ScreenSaver iconWild Panther Range ScreenSaver 1.5   (Downloads: 252)
    Ordinary paint leopard - varying intensity yellow background, thickly dotted wit Black Panther - is a very common mutation of the leopard. Sometimes the normally colored parents appear one or two black kittens.
    Ordinary paint leopard - varying intensity yellow background, thickly dotted with black spots, that on the muzzle and tips of claws are considerably reduced in size, almost in passing specks. However, the Panthers have saved Spot.
    If we carefully look closely, you can see that on a dark smoky background stand is absolutely bla...

    Boar Lancinating ScreenSaver iconBoar Lancinating ScreenSaver 1.5   (Downloads: 403)
    The fact that wild boars are approaching, can be judged by cod branches Wild boar (wild pig, wild aper, wild hog) is non-ruminants animals. Body of boar length reaches 2m. Height at the withers - 1m. Adult boar weighs about 300 kg.
    During feeding boars are not alert and issued a lot of noise. Focusing on the sounds of noise, crunch, champ, a photographer approaching feasting herd. Approach should be only against the wind. Clothing and footwear photographer should be comfortable, light and soft, was published with a minimum of moti...

    Lancinating Gallery ScreenSaver iconLancinating Gallery ScreenSaver 1.5   (Downloads: 328)
    The aim is to give these principles and approaches that will make knowledge Often argue that technology is further advanced builders mills, gunsmiths and watchmakers. However, the case and so that the products gunsmiths were conducted under production watchmakers.
    The aim is to give these principles and approaches that will make knowledge to any caliber and scope. In developing the Olympic shooting disciplines instructor teaches hands off the brain, concentrate on the processing of descent and control flies. In practical shooting is v...

    Ghost Pumpkin House Clock ScreenSaver iconGhost Pumpkin House Clock ScreenSaver 1.2   (Downloads: 338)
    In the dark hair dyed blond, and the masks come from hell. Happy Holiday Merry Halloween,
    It is time for the masquerade.
    In the dark hair dyed blond,
    And the masks come from hell.

    And pumpkin chief attribute
    At this super manners.
    You dressed as Dracula, you're cool!

    On the holiday of witches and ghosts
    And the scary ghostly visions.
    It comes once a year
    When everything seems to be in Hell.

    On the streets of the skeletons dance,
    A w...

    Panther Gallery ScreenSaver iconPanther Gallery ScreenSaver 1.5   (Downloads: 343)
    Black Panther - is a very common mutation of the leopard. Sometimes the normally Some people think that the panther and leopard - are different animals: panther black, and leopard spotted. In fact, this same animal, felines, just differently colored.
    They have a special structure of the larynx, which allows to issue a roar. The fact that representatives of the genus hypoglossal apparatus not completely ossified - on-site one of the bones in it is a flexible bundle, allowing the larynx to swell. Also, their vocal cords undivided and form a ...

    Wild Boar Gallery ScreenSaver iconWild Boar Gallery ScreenSaver 1.5   (Downloads: 298)
    Bristles, except the bottom of the neck and the back of the abdomen, forms on Wild Boar (also wild pig, wild pig, wild boar) - omnivorous cloven-hoofed mammal from non-ruminants species of pigs Sus, part of the biological family Suidae. Which undoubtedly originated from the wild boar (and other closely related species), shorter and more compressed body, a thick and tall legs, in addition, boar's head is longer and thinner, the ears long and sharp and, moreover, erect, sharp fangs developed stronger and sharper: the male they are much more dev...

    Happy Saint Halloween Clock ScreenSaver iconHappy Saint Halloween Clock ScreenSaver 1.5   (Downloads: 360)
    Happy Saint Halloween Clock ScreenSaver catching the stellar wind light, comets There are circles of dance around the infernal fire. Set ablaze the sky, we moss extinguished until the morning. On such nights are wide awake animals, and smell the witch that they were going to meet.
    Go without permission the other doors, take in their homes mirrors and candles.
    When else on my hands the whole dreadful gloom will spill over the edge! It will be light only by flashes of lightning, but such there is no need of the sun.
    By the morni...

    Range Projection Light ScreenSaver iconRange Projection Light ScreenSaver 1.5   (Downloads: 352)
    Passage of the levels, variety of plot development, artificial intelligence A light conduction structure that generates short range projection for an object to create aesthetic sense of vision by emitting dazzling, fantastic and colorful lights;
    a middle layer made of color, translucent material in dazzling colors and making light passing through it to become gender;
    wraps up the outer side of the inner layer;
    includes an inner layer provided with a reflective outer side in while;
    an outer layer made of see-through m...

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