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    C: \ Communications \ Chat & Instant Messaging \ BlueMarket Party 1.0 \ Author

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    BlueMarket Party 1.0 - Author Info Page

    Description: FUN for all! Organize live image slide show or chatting using bluetooth tech!.. (more)

    Author Info for BlueMarket Party 1.0

    Author/Company Name: RIA Software Company

    Country: Serbia

    Web Site: http://www.riasc.net

    Programs listed: 5

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    Keep It Safer iconKeep It Safer 1.2   (Downloads: 263)
    Secure and maintain, or block software work. Protect your personal data! Secure and maintain software work!
    Block selected applications!
    Protect your personal data!


    Green list:
    Software added into this list will be protected from shut-down. Its work will be supervised, and if any problem (like 'not responding') occurs, it will be restarted. When Keep It Safer realize that software is not running, it will start it immediately. It is recommended that you put in this list all your ...

    MarketSMS iconMarketSMS 2.3.1   (Downloads: 543)
    Retrieve any information by SMS/Email/Fax/SMSC/Wap from anywhere in the world! Fast and correct information is worth of gold when we need it so bad. That is something we all expect in these 21st century days.
    Following that kind of thoughts, Market SMS is built!
    Retrieve information's from a database, depending on user inputs.
    Great for big companies, or small markets to provide prices, orders details, product details and much more!
    No matter where you are, information's you need are at your glance!
    Just send me...

    BlueMarket Lite iconBlueMarket Lite 1.5   (Downloads: 485)
    Send welcome messages to all bluetooth devices in range. BlueMarket, the new mobile marketing media channel will enable companies or brands to reach their specific target audience and offer a one-to-one interactive communication. It also provides the opportunity to build a closer relationship to the potential consumer, where an on-going permission based communication is possible through the individual's mobile phone.

    Instantly send location dependent customized multimedia messages, offerings and advertisin...

    BlueMarket CS iconBlueMarket CS 1.0   (Downloads: 282)
    Bluetooth proximity marketing content server. Order any file from your server. Bluetooth proximity marketing content server.

    Order any file from your server. Publish all your marketing files.
    Give people opportunity to choose what file to receive!

    Order any file you want from your pc, using mobile phone. BlueMarket CS supports:
    - TXT (text file, PC and Symbian phones support this file type)
    - VNT (Note file, supported by many mobile phones)
    - PWI (PDA/PocketPC devices text for...

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