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    C: \ Desktop \ Screen Savers: Seasonal \ Valentine Card 020508 \ Author

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    Valentine Card 020508 - Author Info Page

    Description: This Valentine screen saver small hearts floating down as the card opens up and.. (more)

    Author Info for Valentine Card 020508

    Author/Company Name: Ken's Gift Shop

    Country: USA

    Web Site: http://www.saversbyk.com

    Programs listed: 134

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    Other listings by this author

    Santa Sled iconSanta Sled 122109   (Downloads: 228)
    This Christmas screen saver has Santa with a bag full of toys riding a sled as s This Christmas screen saver has Santa with a bag full of toys riding a sled as snow falls.
    There are messages that appear near the top that reads Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays....

    Easter Egg Hunt iconEaster Egg Hunt 22908   (Downloads: 214)
    This Easter screen saver shows a boy running and picking up Easter Eggs. This Easter screen saver shows a boy running and picking up Easter Eggs.
    Screen saver has some sound effects....

    On The Farm iconOn The Farm 71010   (Downloads: 272)
    This screen saver has a farmer riding a tractor as it rotates images of horse's, This screen saver has a farmer riding a tractor as it rotates images of horse's, cow's and pig's.
    Does contain some sound effects which can be disabled....

    Friend of Jesus iconFriend of Jesus 80409   (Downloads: 236)
    This religious screen saver rotates scriptures from the book of Luke, chapter 19 This religious screen saver rotates scriptures from the book of Luke, chapter 19, while doves and angels fly around your screen.
    The registered version plays music from three gospel songs....

    Snow Day iconSnow Day 122707   (Downloads: 197)
    This winter screen saver rotates winter scenes as animated snowflakes move aroun This winter screen saver rotates winter scenes as animated snowflakes move around the scenes to make a picture frame....

    Haunted House iconHaunted House 101510   (Downloads: 265)
    This Halloween screen saver features a house that is haunted by Ghost, Bats a Sk This Halloween screen saver features a house that is haunted by Ghost, Bats a Skeleton and a Witch.
    The registered version contains sound effects....

    Dads Day Off iconDads Day Off 82309   (Downloads: 190)
    In this Father's Day screen saver, Dad spends Father's Day doing what he does be In this Father's Day screen saver, Dad spends Father's Day doing what he does best........
    Sleeping and dreaming of things he could be doing.
    Screen saver contains sounds that can be turned on or off....

    Feathers iconFeathers 72909   (Downloads: 248)
    This screen saver rotates photos of different birds as an animated leaf rotates This screen saver rotates photos of different birds as an animated leaf rotates around the photos creating a frame.
    You can also hear the birds chirping in the background (registered version)....

    Turkey Walk iconTurkey Walk 112008   (Downloads: 269)
    turkeys walking across your screen as leaves fall from the top. Turkeys and pumpkins fill the background in this colorful Thanksgiving screen saver.
    There are turkeys walking across your screen as leaves fall from the top.
    There is a message that says, Happy Thanksgiving floating around the screen....

    Yellowstone National Park iconYellowstone National Park 010408   (Downloads: 198)
    This screen saver rotates 18 photos that were taken in and around Yellowstone Na This screen saver rotates 18 photos that were taken in and around Yellowstone National Park....

    Its Snowing iconIts Snowing 122607   (Downloads: 221)
    This winter screen saver has snow covered trees as the background and snow falli This winter screen saver has snow covered trees as the background and snow falling as a bird flies across....

    The Witch iconThe Witch 92609   (Downloads: 282)
    This Halloween Screen Saver shows the old wicked witch riding her trusted broom This Halloween Screen Saver shows the old wicked witch riding her trusted broom in the moonlight.
    Also contains some sound effects....

    Pot of Gold iconPot of Gold 22211   (Downloads: 355)
    This St. Patrick's screen saver has Leprechauns dancing around a pot of gold. This St. Patrick's screen saver has Leprechauns dancing around a pot of gold.
    The screen saver also plays music....

    New Year Celebration iconNew Year Celebration 122207   (Downloads: 235)
    Bring in the New Year with balloons and confetti as the music from Auld Lang Syn Bring in the New Year with balloons and confetti as the music from Auld Lang Syne plays (registered version only)....

    BasketBall iconBasketBall 32808   (Downloads: 189)
    BasketBalls fill the background as players fade in and out and bounce around you BasketBalls fill the background as players fade in and out and bounce around your screen....

    Motorcycles iconMotorcycles 60109   (Downloads: 269)
    This screen saver rotates images of motorcycles. This screen saver rotates images of motorcycles....

    Beautiful Mountains iconBeautiful Mountains 011108   (Downloads: 209)
    This screen saver rotates images of mountains that were made using a computer pr This screen saver rotates images of mountains that were made using a computer program.
    User options include: Able to change time each slide is shown, select which transitions you want and use slides as your wallpaper....

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