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    C: \ Desktop \ Screen Savers: Seasonal \ Mother and Baby 41708 \ Author

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    Mother and Baby 41708 - Author Info Page

    Description: This Mothers Day screen saver shows a mother holding a baby as Angels play a cat.. (more)

    Author Info for Mother and Baby 41708

    Author/Company Name: Ken's Gift Shop

    Country: USA

    Web Site: http://www.saversbyk.com

    Programs listed: 134

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    Other listings by this author

    Romantic Fisherman iconRomantic Fisherman 011808   (Downloads: 247)
    This Valentine screen saver shows a fisherman setting on the dock with his fishi This Valentine screen saver shows a fisherman setting on the dock with his fishing pole and can of worms, as romantic messages are rotated.
    The registered version plays music from two songs....

    New Year Resolutions iconNew Year Resolutions 122207   (Downloads: 208)
    Have you made your New Year Resolutions yet? Have you made your New Year Resolutions yet?
    This screen saver might be able to help you decide on one?
    This screen saver rotates different resolution messages along with various images.
    The registered version plays music....

    God Bless America iconGod Bless America 80509   (Downloads: 244)
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    The registered version plays music from three songs, Amazing Grace, This Is The Day and Put Your Hands In The Hand....

    Haunted Cemetery iconHaunted Cemetery 91409   (Downloads: 264)
    This Halloween screen saver features a cemetery that is haunted by ghost and oth This Halloween screen saver features a cemetery that is haunted by ghost and other creepy creatures.
    The screen saver contains sound effects....

    Mothers Day Card iconMothers Day Card 42408   (Downloads: 189)
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    The message: Happy Mothers Day. We Love You. scrolls across your screen.
    The registered version plays music from three songs....

    Thanksgiving Story iconThanksgiving Story 112008   (Downloads: 214)
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    Spooky Night iconSpooky Night 91609   (Downloads: 229)
    This Halloween screen saver contains Ghost, Bats, Skulls, Witch's and a Grave Ya This Halloween screen saver contains Ghost, Bats, Skulls, Witch's and a Grave Yard....

    Be Mine iconBe Mine 120707   (Downloads: 209)
    This Valentine screen saver rotates the messages Be Mine, Will You Be My Valenti This Valentine screen saver rotates the messages Be Mine, Will You Be My Valentine and I love You, while hearts float around.
    The registered version plays music from two songs....

    Valentine Card iconValentine Card 020508   (Downloads: 236)
    This Valentine screen saver small hearts floating down as the card opens up and This Valentine screen saver small hearts floating down as the card opens up and types out the message, I Love You and Will You Be My Valentine?
    The registered version plays music from three songs....

    Spinning Hearts iconSpinning Hearts 012408   (Downloads: 233)
    Little hearts make up the back ground for this Valentine screen saver as bigger Little hearts make up the back ground for this Valentine screen saver as bigger hearts bounce around your screen and the message Happy Valentines Day scrolls across.
    The registered version plays music from two songs....

    My Mommy iconMy Mommy 41511   (Downloads: 411)
    This Mother's Day screen saver has a baby in a baby carriage moving across your This Mother's Day screen saver has a baby in a baby carriage moving across your screen.
    Animated hearts float around as messages run along the top of your screen....

    Snowman iconSnowman 11909   (Downloads: 207)
    This winter screen saver has a snowman sledding on the ice as snowflakes fall. This winter screen saver has a snowman sledding on the ice as snowflakes fall....

    Winter Home iconWinter Home 110509   (Downloads: 283)
    This winter screen saver has snow falling as a dog and squirrel play in the fron This winter screen saver has snow falling as a dog and squirrel play in the front yard of an old house.
    Music plays in the background (registered version only)....

    Jack O Lanterns iconJack O Lanterns 92310   (Downloads: 205)
    This Halloween screen saver has Jack O Lanterns that move around your screen as This Halloween screen saver has Jack O Lanterns that move around your screen as the message Happy Halloween scrolls along the bottom....

    Christmas Time iconChristmas Time 112708   (Downloads: 187)
    This Christmas screen saver shows an animated Christmas Tree as bows, candy cane This Christmas screen saver shows an animated Christmas Tree as bows, candy canes and presents float down and Santa flies across your screen.
    The registered version has sound effects and plays music....

    BasketBall iconBasketBall 32808   (Downloads: 189)
    BasketBalls fill the background as players fade in and out and bounce around you BasketBalls fill the background as players fade in and out and bounce around your screen....

    Snow Day iconSnow Day 122707   (Downloads: 197)
    This winter screen saver rotates winter scenes as animated snowflakes move aroun This winter screen saver rotates winter scenes as animated snowflakes move around the scenes to make a picture frame....

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