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12Ghosts ShutDown 9.70 (Downloads: 260)
Shut down with one click, run scan disk and backup programs programs before. Shut down with one click or with one key stroke. Run maintenance programs, daily or at certain days of the week, for example scan disk and backup programs. Just one click, then leave your computer and it will power-off automatically after all programs finished.
Initiate an "auto-logon as a different user" - without waiting for the insert-password-now dialog box. Dual-boot directly into a parallel installation of Windows NT/2000/XP, restarts wi...
12G-Automation 9.70 (Downloads: 201)
Three dozen power tools for Windows optimize and automate your daily tasks. These power tools for Windows optimizes and automates your daily tasks. They backup documents, clean up temporary files, and protect your privacy....
12Ghosts Wash 9.70 (Downloads: 257)
Don't allow anybody to see which web sites you visited recently! Don't allow anybody to see which web sites you visited recently! Removes your history, cookies, cache, and typed-addresses of IE, Firefox, MSN, AOL, and Opera. It even deletes locked files! You may extend the cleaning with any user defined items....
12Ghosts Password 9.70 (Downloads: 210)
Do you see all asterisks? With 12-Password now you can make it visible again. Some programs show the current password in a password box (asterisks) from where you can revover it. If all you can see are asterisks, with 12-Password now you can make the password visible again. Simply move the mouse cursor over the password field to recover the password....
12Ghosts 2ndFolder 9.70 (Downloads: 198)
Create copy of complete folder, and keep several versions of the same folder 12Ghosts 2ndFolder creates a copy of a complete folder structure. A new destination name is created automatically by adding the date and time. This way you may backup a complete folder easily with just one click, and at the same time keep several versions of the same folder.
The idea is that you want to copy a folder that contains, for example, all your accounting files everytime before and/or after you make changes. Just create a shortcut that you can ...
12Ghosts Popup-Killer 9.70 (Downloads: 214)
Free Popup-Killer that blocks ALL popups of IE. Extended Boss-Key included. Free Popup-Killer that blocks ALL popups of IE. Extended Boss-Key included.
Block ALL pop-up windows opened by Internet Explorer, both, those that are opened automatically by a script as well as links that open a new window.
-> NO black list you need to maintain
-> NO loop that uses CPU resources when waiting for new windows
-> NO hook into message loops what would slow down your machine
-> Integrated int...
12Ghosts Lookup 9.70 (Downloads: 211)
zip and area codes, acronyms, unit converter Click your way through to data in a snap of a second that would otherwise cost you hours to find on the Internet or in a book. Wether you are just curious or need the information fast, you will find it in this user-friendly look-up tool. Look up zip and area codes, sorted by any column, with a quick search finder. Expand acronyms by entering just the first letters. Use a unit converter that shows all other units immediately as soon as you enter a number. That is wha...
12Ghosts QuickStart 9.70 (Downloads: 272)
Unlimitted hotkeys and tray icons for each entry. Open programs, documents, ... Unlimitted hotkeys and tray icons for each entry. Fully customizable with a hierarchical structure and user definable descritpions and icons. Open programs, documents, websites, and special system folders like StartUp or SendTo, specific control panel pages, and even registry keys in RegEdit. 12-Quick comes with a wonderful variety of unrelated functions, like quick resolution changing, shutdown or logoff, remove formatting from clipboard text, set task sequence, or...
12Ghosts ProfileCopy 9.70 (Downloads: 179)
Administer and backup Windows user profiles Administer Windows user profiles. This includes user defined settings, like your wallpaper, sound and cursor schemes, desktop icons and layout, start menu items, and so on. What's different, 12-ProfileCopy also copies the files referred to by these settings, like the wallpaper bitmap or the screen saver. Settings are restored correctly even on different Windows versions. This tool can be used as full backup program since you can add files and folders unlimitted, and...
12Ghosts ShellX 9.70 (Downloads: 234)
Add new commands to the right-click menu of files and folders Add new commands to the Explorer context menu. Just right-click on any file or folder to access the new commands. Copy path to clipboard, new subfolder, show several file properties. 'DOS Prompt here' automatically does a 'dir' and starts a DOS program without closing afterwards. Integrated 3x shredder, fast file compression, search and replace text in folders and subfolders, and set the date and time created, modified, or last accessed....
12G-Files+More 9.70 (Downloads: 216)
Three dozen power tools for Windows optimize and automate your daily tasks. These power tools for Windows optimizes and automates your daily tasks. They backup documents, clean up temporary files, and protect your privacy....
12Ghosts Clip 9.70 (Downloads: 217)
Easily create pictures of what you see on the screen, active window, menu. Easily make screen shots of the whole screen or of single windows. Screen shots can be helpful to store information you come across. You may easily create pictures of what you see on the screen for a documentation about a website or a software program, for example. Screen shots will also help software support to better understand your problem. Just take a snap shot of the problem area and attach it to your e-mail.
12-Clip supports hotkeys to clip the ac...
12Ghosts IETools 9.70 (Downloads: 230)
Free toolbar for IE: auto-position IE, fast download of thumbnail galleries Free toolbar for IE. Fast harvesting of thumbnail galleries. Auto-Stop any dynamic page elements, such as background sounds and animations. Boss-key to hide all IE windows with one key press. Position new IE windows automatically....
12G-Complete 9.70 (Downloads: 219)
Power tools for Windows optimize and automate daily tasks. These power tools for Windows optimize and automate your daily tasks. They backup documents, clean up temporary files, and protect your privacy....
12Ghosts Timer 9.70 (Downloads: 233)
easy to use and powerful scheduler with Holiday support, programmable. This is an easy to use and powerful scheduler for starting applications, opening documents or Web pages, setting up reminders or wake up with music, or previewing the exact moon phase. Executable only 120 KB. Start once, countdown, or recurring per second; or start after logon. Set process priority and window state. Holiday support to run timers on business days only. Batch capable. Optimized timer control for easy usage....
12Ghosts Startup 9.70 (Downloads: 197)
Control which programs run at Windows startup Did you ever wonder why some programs are already running when Windows starts up? Now you can manage these programs easily. No matter from where in the Windows settings the program is started, they are all listed with the exact start path. To remove any entry just select it in the list and hit DELETE....
12Ghosts StopMessengerAds 9.70 (Downloads: 220)
Get rid of popup ads provided through the Messenger Service Some ads are distributed through the Messenger Service. They look like a normal message box. Stop the Messenger service to get rid of such ads. You may also restart the Messenger service if necessary. On Windows 95/98/ME the program WinPopup is stopped if it is running....