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    C: \ Desktop \ Screen Savers: Nature \ Beautiful Mountains 011108 \ Author

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    Beautiful Mountains 011108 - Author Info Page

    Description: This screen saver rotates images of mountains that were made using a computer pr.. (more)

    Author Info for Beautiful Mountains 011108

    Author/Company Name: Ken's Gift Shop

    Country: USA

    Web Site: http://www.saversbyk.com

    Programs listed: 134

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    Other listings by this author

    Friend of Jesus iconFriend of Jesus 80409   (Downloads: 236)
    This religious screen saver rotates scriptures from the book of Luke, chapter 19 This religious screen saver rotates scriptures from the book of Luke, chapter 19, while doves and angels fly around your screen.
    The registered version plays music from three gospel songs....

    A Mothers Dream iconA Mothers Dream 41308   (Downloads: 235)
    This Mothers Day screen saver rotates images of a mother and child and various p This Mothers Day screen saver rotates images of a mother and child and various poems while hearts float around.
    The registered version plays music....

    Animals iconAnimals 101410   (Downloads: 282)
    This animal screen saver rotates images of different animals, such as cats, hors This animal screen saver rotates images of different animals, such as cats, horses, camels, deer, cows, elephants and more....

    Worlds Greatest Dad iconWorlds Greatest Dad 6411   (Downloads: 378)
    In this Father's Day screen saver, stars fill the back ground as an image of the In this Father's Day screen saver, stars fill the back ground as an image of the world moves around your screen and fades in and out as various messages appear....

    My Mommy iconMy Mommy 41511   (Downloads: 411)
    This Mother's Day screen saver has a baby in a baby carriage moving across your This Mother's Day screen saver has a baby in a baby carriage moving across your screen.
    Animated hearts float around as messages run along the top of your screen....

    Tommy Turkey iconTommy Turkey 112008   (Downloads: 205)
    The old turkey is back again this year in this Thanksgiving screen saver and he The old turkey is back again this year in this Thanksgiving screen saver and he wants to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

    He spends his day walking in the woods trying to stay away from that old pesky Pilgrim....

    Snow Storm iconSnow Storm 122609   (Downloads: 233)
    This winter screen saver rotates 10 different snowy scenes as snow falls. This winter screen saver rotates 10 different snowy scenes as snow falls.
    Each scene is shown for 30 seconds....

    Spooky Night iconSpooky Night 91609   (Downloads: 229)
    This Halloween screen saver contains Ghost, Bats, Skulls, Witch's and a Grave Ya This Halloween screen saver contains Ghost, Bats, Skulls, Witch's and a Grave Yard....

    Family Thanksgiving iconFamily Thanksgiving 110509   (Downloads: 203)
    The family gathers around as Grandma carries the turkey in this Thanksgiving scr The family gathers around as Grandma carries the turkey in this Thanksgiving screen saver....

    Ducks A Flyin iconDucks A Flyin 70709   (Downloads: 195)
    This screen saver has ducks flying over a small lake below a waterfall in Yosemi This screen saver has ducks flying over a small lake below a waterfall in Yosemite National Park.
    The registered version contains sound effects....

    Mama Deer iconMama Deer 40308   (Downloads: 229)
    This Mother's Day screen saver has a mother deer and her fawn laying under a tre This Mother's Day screen saver has a mother deer and her fawn laying under a tree, as the message, Happy Mother's Day scrolls along the top....

    Leprechaun Dance iconLeprechaun Dance 020908   (Downloads: 213)
    This screen saver has a Leprechaun dancing along the bottom of your screen as sh This screen saver has a Leprechaun dancing along the bottom of your screen as shamrocks fall from the top.
    Music plays in the registered version....

    Alien Campfire iconAlien Campfire 62709   (Downloads: 215)
    This screen saver shows an alien setting around a campfire. This screen saver shows an alien setting around a campfire.

    This screen saver is shareware and we offer a free download so you can preview
    the screen saver before registering.

    Grab the hotdogs!...

    My Valentine iconMy Valentine 013008   (Downloads: 217)
    This Valentine screen saver has an animated heart in the center and a pen that w This Valentine screen saver has an animated heart in the center and a pen that writes out the message Will You Be My Valentine?
    There are cupids sitting on animated hearts that rotate around the screen as smaller hearts moving around your screen.
    The registered version plays music....

    Motorcycles iconMotorcycles 60109   (Downloads: 269)
    This screen saver rotates images of motorcycles. This screen saver rotates images of motorcycles....

    Haunted Cemetery iconHaunted Cemetery 91409   (Downloads: 264)
    This Halloween screen saver features a cemetery that is haunted by ghost and oth This Halloween screen saver features a cemetery that is haunted by ghost and other creepy creatures.
    The screen saver contains sound effects....

    Thanksgiving Greeting iconThanksgiving Greeting 111708   (Downloads: 170)
    This is a simple Thanksgiving screen saver that has a message saying Happy Thank This is a simple Thanksgiving screen saver that has a message saying Happy Thanksgiving as leaves, pine cones and pieces of pumpkin pie float down.
    Occasionally a turkey will run across....

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