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MySQL Export Table To Text File Software 7.0 (Downloads: 205)
Save MySQL tables as text or CSV files. Sobolsoft presents a convenient MySQL utility. Now you can save MySQL tables as text or CSV files. In the resulting text file, each field (column) is separated by a comma or other custom characters. Each row is delimited by a new line. Simply specify which fields to save using the friendly interface. This software will export your SQL to text with speed, accuracy, and simplicity....
Blogspot Posting Software 7.0 (Downloads: 331)
Post to a Blogspot blog without a web browser. This software offers a solution for users who want to post on a Blogspot blog without using a browser. The user simply enters the username, password, subject and the text for the blog and starts the process. With one more click, the blog can be viewed....
Outlook Download Multiple Attachments Software 7.0 (Downloads: 328)
Save many Outlook attachments at once. This software offers a convenient solution for extracting attachments. Simply select which emails to queue and which folder to save all extracted attachments. This software can save you minutes each time you download multiple attachments. Outlook 2000/Outlook Express 5.0 or higher required....
PostgreSQL Find and Replace Software 7.0 (Downloads: 280)
Replace content in PostgreSQL database tables. Select one or more tables in whic Replace content in PostgreSQL database tables. Select one or more tables in which to make the replacement....
Excel Import Multiple PDF Files Software 7.0 (Downloads: 247)
Import one or more PDF files into a new MS Excel file. This software offers a solution for users who need to Import one or more PDF files into a new MS Excel file. Specify PDF files individually, by folder, or by drag-and-drop. Insert all into one sheet or to individual sheets per file. Formatting options allows you to split data into columns by a specified character. This software will save you from hours of manual conversion. Excel 2000 or higher required....
Excel Import Multiple Web Sites Software 7.0 (Downloads: 286)
Import one or more web site(s) into a blank MS Excel file. This software offers a solution for users who want to import one or more Web Sites into a blank Excel file. There are options to load URLs from a file or a remote URL, to exclude files containing or not containing user specified characters. The sites can be imported into one sheet or individual sheets per site. Excel 2000 or higher required....
Rename Multiple Folders At Once Software 7.0 (Downloads: 258)
Change name of many folders and subfolders. Sobolsoft offers a unique folder management utility. Now you can change the names of many folders and subfolders at once. Simply add folders and choose your renaming method. You can: change case to upper, lower, proper (title) or sentence case; add character(s) to beginning, end, or inside of the folder name by position or by referencing surrounding character(s); remove and replace character(s); and remove alpha, numeric, alpha-numeric or non-alpha-numeric character...
MS SQL Server Find and Replace Software 7.0 (Downloads: 238)
Replace content in MS SQL Server tables. This software offers a solution for users who want to find and replace text in MS SQL Server tables. There is a feature in the software to find and replace multiple sets of text which will allow you to make many changes at once. By instantly finding and replacing text throughout your database tables, this software will save time and energy of having to manually make edits by hand....
Find Unused Files Software 7.0 (Downloads: 297)
Search folders or drives for unused files. This software offers a solution for users who want to find unused files or folders and send them to the Recycle Bin or a specific folder. The user adds folder/s or a drive and chooses an option to find by: date accessed, date modified or date created. Then the cutoff date is chosen from drop down menus with the following options: after, before, on or between a selected date. There is another option for listing anything that has not been accessed within a user specif...
Watermark Multiple Images Software 7.0 (Downloads: 257)
Put a watermark image on top of many images files at once. This software offers a solution for users who want to add a watermark image to multiple files. These watermarks can be transparent. The user simply adds image files or an entire folder, chooses an image for the watermark, sets the transparent background color, the position of the watermark, and the JPG quality (using a slider). Using this easy to use software, watermarking large numbers of images takes just one click....
Google PageRank Check Multiple Web Sites Software 7.0 (Downloads: 348)
Retrieve Google PageRank of multiple links. This software offers a solution for users who want to retrieve Google PageRank results for multiple web pages. The user simply adds URL/s or loads them from a file. There is a button to discover links within the URLs. The results are displayed in a list showing each URL's page rank and can be saved to a text file....
Random Name Generator Software 7.0 (Downloads: 291)
Generate a specified number of random first and last names. This software offers a solution for users who need to generate a specified number of random first and last names. Pre-defined lists of male and female names are included by default. Import custom lists easily. Results are saved as text or MS Excel files. This software saves you time by quickly generating and matching first and last names....
MS SQL Server Upload or Download Binary Data Softw 7.0 (Downloads: 293)
Send or retrieve multiple binary (blob) files to/from a MS SQL Server field. Sobolsoft presents a solution for users who need to put binary data in MS SQL databases. The user friendly interface of this application guides you from start to finish quickly and clearly. Simply enter the server address and select a table and field. To upload, select the local files and click Upload. To download, simply choose a filename and click Download. Sobolsoft makes these operations easily repeatable, helping you save time....
Video Screen Capture Software 7.0 (Downloads: 294)
Record screen movements on a computer. Save result as video files. Record screen movements on a computer. Save result as video files....
Oracle Join Two Tables Software 7.0 (Downloads: 235)
Horizontally merge two Oracle tables into one by a common column. Horizontally merge two Oracle tables into one by a common column (field) of data. The two tables are not changed: a new table is created with the results. MS Access 2000 or higher required....
Lottery Number Generator Software 7.0 (Downloads: 361)
Generate a specified number of lottery picks and save them as a text file. This software offers a solution for users who want to generate lottery numbers according to certain specifications. The user can set the range of numbers to pick from (i.e. 1-42), the number if digits in each number and how many picks to generate. There is a check box for sorting the results in numerical order or not. The results can be saved as a list or copied to the clipboard for pasting....
BMP File Size Reduce Software 7.0 (Downloads: 335)
Compress the file size of one or more bitmap files. This software offers a solution for users who want to reduce the file size of (bitmap) images. The user chooses the files or an entire folder to be processed. This can be a useful where there are file size limits on transfers or simply to save storage space....