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    C: \ Web Development \ XML/CSS Tools \ Hermetic Sitemap Generator 8.19 \ Author

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    Hermetic Sitemap Generator 8.19 - Author Info Page

    Description: Generates XML Sitemaps from a local copy of a website... (more)

    Author Info for Hermetic Sitemap Generator 8.19

    Author/Company Name: Hermetic Systems

    Country: Switzerland

    Web Site: http://www.hermetic.ch/

    Programs listed: 22

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    Other listings by this author

    Chinese Anniversary Dates iconChinese Anniversary Dates 3.19   (Downloads: 186)
    Finds anniversary dates in the Chinese/Vietnamese/Japanese Lunar Calendar This software can be used as a simple Chinese/Gregorian date converter, but the primary problem which it is intended to solve is: Given a birth date in the Gregorian Calendar, find the corresponding date in the Chinese (or Vietnamese or Japanese) Lunar Calendar, then for a given year (or over a given range of years) in the Gregorian Calendar find the dates in the Gregorian Calendar corresponding to the anniversaries of the Chinese birth date. The software can also...

    Hermetic Color Picker iconHermetic Color Picker 3.15   (Downloads: 239)
    For finding decimal and hexadecimal values for visually selected colors. This program displays all slices of the RGB color cube, and allows selection of a color so as to identify the decimal and hexadecimal color values, which can then be inserted directly into an HTML document or into a Visual Basic (or other) program....

    Hermetic Word Frequency Counter iconHermetic Word Frequency Counter 11.19   (Downloads: 1304)
    Counts word frequencies in a file or on the clipboard This software scans a text file (in this sense HTML and XML files are 'text' files) and counts the frequencies of different words. The words which are found and displayed can be ordered alphabetically or by frequency. Characters which can appear in words can be specified, so the program can be told to allow or disallow words with numerals, hyphens, apostrophes, underscores or colons, to ignore words which are short or which occur infrequently, to treat upper/lower c...

    Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder iconLunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder 12.09   (Downloads: 260)
    Software to find dates and times of lunar and solar eclipses and lunar phases This software allows you to: (i) Display the current phase of the Moon. (ii) Calculate the phase of the Moon for any time in the past or future within a 9000-year period. (iii) Convert between dates in various calendars : three solar calendars, the Gregorian Calendar, the Julian Calendar and the Solar Liberalia Triday Calendar, and four lunar calendars, the Archetypes Calendar, the Meyer-Palmen Solilunar Calendar, the Hermetic Lunar Week Calendar and the Lunar Liber...

    Easy Email Encryption Lite iconEasy Email Encryption Lite 8.09   (Downloads: 187)
    For sending and receiving encrypted email. Easy Email Encryption Lite is for sending and receiving encrypted email messages (up to 40 KB) and is designed to be both secure and easy to use. It works with any email program including Outlook Express. It uses a symmetric key method; thus the key used for decryption is the same as the key used for encryption. It is bilingual English/German and works with text in languages other than English....

    Julian-Gregorian-Dee Date Calculator iconJulian-Gregorian-Dee Date Calculator 6.09   (Downloads: 371)
    Converts Julian, Gregorian and Dee calendar dates and does date arithmetic. Windows software to convert between Julian, Gregorian, Dee and Dee-Cecil calendar dates in various formats, and to add and subtract a number of days, weeks, months and years to or from a given date. Also displays a sequence of Gregorian and Dee (or Dee-Cecil) dates for up to consecutive 800 days, and dates and times of vernal equinoxes in the Gregorian and Dee(-Cecil) calendars for up to 800 consecutive years. Times of vernal equinoxes may be calculated on the bas...

    Recycle Bin Wiper iconRecycle Bin Wiper 2.32   (Downloads: 432)
    Overwrites files in the Recycle Bin so the data cannot be recovered. A program for wiping deleted files in the Windows Recycle Bin by overwriting them repeatedly so that the data cannot be recovered. The program is simple to use, and works with all versions of Windows from Windows 98 to Windows 8. It is trilingual: English/German/Spanish.

    The Recycle Bin is where files go to when you "delete" them ? though they are not really deleted, just moved; and not even really moved, just marked as deleted.


    Index Files Search Words iconIndex Files Search Words 7.09   (Downloads: 185)
    Indexes multiple files for subsequent quick searching. This software is for indexing and searching HTML files, text files or files of a similar kind (such as XML files) in a hierarchy of files either on CD, a hard disk or some similar storage medium (not files on an online website).

    This program does not simply create a list of files or simply search for character strings in a file. It indexes every word in every file, and any file containing a particular set of words (or any of those words, or an exact ph...

    Easy Date Converter iconEasy Date Converter 10.95   (Downloads: 167)
    Converts dates in various Western calendars and does date arithmetic Easy Date Converter is a program to perform arithmetical operations with dates in various solar calendars, including the Gregorian and the ISO 8601 Week Calendar. It is a bilingual English/German program. Suppose you run an advertisement which expires 45 days from today. What date will that be? How many weekdays are there in 2006? If you have an investment which matures on June 30th, 2007, how many days away is that? When will be (or was) the 10,000th day in your...

    Radian-Degree Calculator iconRadian-Degree Calculator 3.09   (Downloads: 196)
    Converts radians to/from degrees, minutes and seconds, and adds/subtracts angles A Windows program for
    * converting radians to and from degrees, minutes and seconds
    * converting decimal degrees to and from degrees, minutes and seconds,
    * converting decimal degrees to and from degrees and decimal minutes, and
    * performing addition and subtraction of angles.
    Input values may be in the range -360В° 0' 0" through 360В° 0' 0" for degrees and the equivalent for radians (thus -2pi through 2pi). Addition ...

    Factorizer iconFactorizer 11.09   (Downloads: 237)
    For factoring integers, finding primes and plotting associated histograms. Factorizer is a Windows program to find factors of numbers up to 2,147,483,646 and to find primes, pairs of primes and Palmen colors of numbers. Or in more detail, Factorizer may be used: (1) to get the prime decomposition of all numbers in a range of numbers, (2) to get all factors of a single number or all factors of all numbers in a range, (3) to find only the prime numbers in a range of numbers, (4) to find pairs of prime numbers (e.g. 107 and 109) in a certain ...

    Keywords Meta Tag Generator Advanced iconKeywords Meta Tag Generator Advanced 9.57   (Downloads: 603)
    Automatically generates keywords meta tags for multiple HTML documents In contrast to freeware keywords meta tag generators, which require *you* to select keywords, this program scans an HTML document, counting the number of occurrences of words and how they are used, and produces an appropriate keywords meta tag for the document. This can be inserted automatically into the HTML document. The program ignores user-specified words and common words such as 'this', and the resulting keywords meta tag depends on user-specified weights assi...

    Keywords Meta Tag Generator iconKeywords Meta Tag Generator 8.57   (Downloads: 225)
    Automatically generates a keywords meta tag for an HTML or PHP file. In contrast to freeware keywords meta tag generators, which require *you* to select keywords, this program scans an HTML or PHP file, counting the number of occurrences of words and how they are used, and produces an appropriate keywords meta tag for the document. This can be inserted automatically into the file. The program ignores user-specified words and common words such as 'this', and the resulting keywords meta tag depends on user-specified weights assigned t...

    Email Encryption End-to-End iconEmail Encryption End-to-End 11.52   (Downloads: 380)
    For sending and receiving encrypted email (optionally with attached file). 'Email Encryption End-to-End' is designed to make it easy to send and receive encrypted email securely. It can be used to encrypt a message to be sent via any email program (including Outlook Express) and any webmail that supports attachments (files attached to a message). The encrypted message consists of a text message (up to 60 KB in size) plus, optionally, an appended file of any type (up to 1.93 MB in size). The message (including any appended file) is encrypte...

    Easy Date Converter Advanced Version iconEasy Date Converter Advanced Version 10.95   (Downloads: 460)
    Converts dates in various Western calendars and does date arithmetic Easy Date Converter is a program to perform arithmetical operations with dates in various solar calendars, including the Gregorian and the ISO 8601 Week Calendar. It is a bilingual English/German program.

    Suppose you run an advertisement which expires 45 days from today. What date will that be? How many weekdays are there in 2006? If you have an investment which matures on June 30th, 2007, how many days away is that? When will be (or was) the 10,000th...

    Stego PNG iconStego PNG 11.01   (Downloads: 380)
    A steganography program to hide a data file in a PNG image file. Stego PNG is a steganography program which allows you to encrypt and hide a data file in a PNG or BMP image file so that the addition of the data to the container file will not noticeably change the appearance of the image. If the file which has been hidden is deleted then there is no indication that it even exists, but it can still be recovered when you need to get at it.

    The program enables you to hide a file with the use of a stego/encryption key, s...

    Easy HTML Construction Kit iconEasy HTML Construction Kit 10.49   (Downloads: 232)
    HTML table creator and converter of text files to HTML tables and documents Easy HTML Construction Kit provides an easy way to create the HTML code for lists and tables, and to convert data in textfiles (such as archives of mailing lists) to lists, tables and full HTML documents. It comprises six separate utility programs, as follows:

    1. HTML Template -- This creates a new HTML document.

    2. Text to HTML -- This automates most of the tasks involved in converting a text file to a decent-looking HTML document.

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