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    C: \ Desktop \ Screen Savers: Other \ Animals 101410 \ Author

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    Animals 101410 - Author Info Page

    Description: This animal screen saver rotates images of different animals, such as cats, hors.. (more)

    Author Info for Animals 101410

    Author/Company Name: Ken's Gift Shop

    Country: USA

    Web Site: http://www.saversbyk.com

    Programs listed: 134

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    Other listings by this author

    Cowboys iconCowboys 72308   (Downloads: 227)
    This western screen saver rotates 25 images of cowboys. This western screen saver rotates 25 images of cowboys.

    User options include:
    Ability to use images as your wallpaper.
    Adjust the timing and fades....

    The Stork iconThe Stork 71809   (Downloads: 232)
    This screen saver has a stork flying across your screen as clouds float by. This screen saver has a stork flying across your screen as clouds float by....

    Mothers Day Flowers iconMothers Day Flowers 50208   (Downloads: 220)
    This Mothers Day screen saver fills your screen with beautiful flowers. This Mothers Day screen saver fills your screen with beautiful flowers.
    The registered version plays music....

    Easter Greetings iconEaster Greetings 30908   (Downloads: 199)
    This Easter screen saver rotates images of Easter while music plays (Registered This Easter screen saver rotates images of Easter while music plays (Registered Version Only)....

    New Year Celebration iconNew Year Celebration 122207   (Downloads: 235)
    Bring in the New Year with balloons and confetti as the music from Auld Lang Syn Bring in the New Year with balloons and confetti as the music from Auld Lang Syne plays (registered version only)....

    Just Puppies iconJust Puppies 011008   (Downloads: 212)
    This screen saver has small puppies that run across your screen. This screen saver has small puppies that run across your screen....

    Family Thanksgiving iconFamily Thanksgiving 110509   (Downloads: 203)
    The family gathers around as Grandma carries the turkey in this Thanksgiving scr The family gathers around as Grandma carries the turkey in this Thanksgiving screen saver....

    Snowman iconSnowman 11909   (Downloads: 207)
    This winter screen saver has a snowman sledding on the ice as snowflakes fall. This winter screen saver has a snowman sledding on the ice as snowflakes fall....

    Snow Storm iconSnow Storm 122609   (Downloads: 274)
    This winter screen saver rotates 10 different snowy scenes as snow falls. This winter screen saver rotates 10 different snowy scenes as snow falls.
    Each scene is shown for 30 seconds....

    My Valentine iconMy Valentine 013008   (Downloads: 217)
    This Valentine screen saver has an animated heart in the center and a pen that w This Valentine screen saver has an animated heart in the center and a pen that writes out the message Will You Be My Valentine?
    There are cupids sitting on animated hearts that rotate around the screen as smaller hearts moving around your screen.
    The registered version plays music....

    Angel Tree iconAngel Tree 121707   (Downloads: 233)
    This Christmas screen saver shows a animated Christmas Tree while Angels fly to This Christmas screen saver shows a animated Christmas Tree while Angels fly to the top of your screen as music plays in the background.
    The music will only play once it's been registered....

    Class of iconClass of 2011   (Downloads: 197)
    This graduation screen saver has balloons, confetti, caps and the message, Congr This graduation screen saver has balloons, confetti, caps and the message, Congratulations Class of 2011....

    Valentine Heart iconValentine Heart 012708   (Downloads: 175)
    This Valentine screen saver rotates various Valentine messages as Hearts, Roses This Valentine screen saver rotates various Valentine messages as Hearts, Roses and Cupids Arrows float down your screen.
    The registered version plays music from two songs....

    Baseballs iconBaseballs 122807   (Downloads: 237)
    This screen saver has baseballs moving around as baseball players run across the This screen saver has baseballs moving around as baseball players run across the bottom of your screen....

    Its Snowing iconIts Snowing 122607   (Downloads: 221)
    This winter screen saver has snow covered trees as the background and snow falli This winter screen saver has snow covered trees as the background and snow falling as a bird flies across....

    Romantic Fisherman iconRomantic Fisherman 011808   (Downloads: 247)
    This Valentine screen saver shows a fisherman setting on the dock with his fishi This Valentine screen saver shows a fisherman setting on the dock with his fishing pole and can of worms, as romantic messages are rotated.
    The registered version plays music from two songs....

    Valentine Card iconValentine Card 020508   (Downloads: 236)
    This Valentine screen saver small hearts floating down as the card opens up and This Valentine screen saver small hearts floating down as the card opens up and types out the message, I Love You and Will You Be My Valentine?
    The registered version plays music from three songs....

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