AttributeMagic Free! 2.0 (Downloads: 286)
Easy to use utility to view and change file-folder date-time and attributes Utility to view and change file and folder date-time: creation date, last access date and modify date. Utility can rename files and folders, change file extension, change attributes of files and folders. Drag-n-drop supported....
AttributeMagic Pro 3.5.4 (Downloads: 500)
Rename files, change date-time, attributes, JPEG-EXIF, MSOffice metadata Advanced utility to change date/time stamps, attributes of files-folders, JPEG-EXIF images, MS Office (DOC, XLS, PPT, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX) document properties and metadata. Utility can set and reset attributes, copy and flexible manipulate date-time stamps, insert date-time information into file name, rename files, change files extensions, print folder contents. Ideal tool to annotate your images or documents. You can use custom filters, templates, batch process files,...