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    C: \ Education \ Reference Tools \ What The Bible Says About 2.00 \ Author

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    What The Bible Says About 2.00 - Author Info Page

    Description: What The Bible Says About... - Study tool.. (more)

    Author Info for What The Bible Says About 2.00

    Author/Company Name: PC Shareware, Inc.

    Country: USA

    Web Site: http://www.pc-shareware.com/

    Programs listed: 34

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    Feed My Sheep iconFeed My Sheep 1.00   (Downloads: 309)
    Delightful, colorful Bible word game for the entire family Feed My Sheep is a delightfully challenging, graphical Bible word game. Very similar in play to "Wheel Of Fortune" and "Hangman", but now with a new twist! Your job as a shepherd is to uncover the missing letters to a Bible verse or phrase before you lose all your sheep. 3 skill levels, makes the software game suitable even for children. You can even play against the clock for a real challenge! A colorful, wholesome, educational program for the...

    ZIP Code Access iconZIP Code Access 1.00   (Downloads: 223)
    Locates ZIP Codes that are within close proximity of a specified ZIP Code. Do you have an existing Microsoft AccessВ® database that you want to perform ZIP Code searches against? Do you want to know which records in your Access database are within 20 miles from a certain ZIP Code? Do you want to export all of the records within your Access database that fall within a 50 mile radius of ZIP Code 22405 to a CSV file? If you answered 'yes' to these questions then ZIP Code Access is the tool for you!

    Let's say that you are a dire...

    Frontlets iconFrontlets 4.03   (Downloads: 304)
    Inspirational Bible verses screen saver Frontlets is an inspirational Bible screen saver that randomly displays Bible verses every "x" seconds in LARGE hi- resolution graphics. It is sure to draw the attention of others! Screen colors and fonts can be customized to you tastes. Has KJV, NIV and RSV translations, plus you can add your own verses to the database. Supports password protection....

    Scripture Challenge iconScripture Challenge 5.11   (Downloads: 222)
    Bible question and answer game. Scripture Challenge is an in-depth Bible question and answer game, containing over 3600 questions gathered from the Old and New Testaments. Interesting facts are presented as questions in a quiz-like environment, and users are prompted for the correct answers. The questions are grouped into dozens of categories, such as "Word meanings", "The Prophets", "Books of the Bible" and "Geography of the Bible". At the conclusion of ea...

    The ZIP Wizard iconThe ZIP Wizard 1.11   (Downloads: 295)
    The cute, simple, easy and fast way to send files across the Internet! ZIP files are simply collections of one or more files, that have been digitally compressed to reduce their file size. By compressing the size of those files, and then bundling them together into one single file, called a ZIP file, you make it easier to upload and download your files. A compressed file will download and upload much faster, thereby saving you time. There have been many formats for compressing files over the years, but the most common format is ZIP.<...

    Crossword Challenge iconCrossword Challenge 1.00   (Downloads: 327)
    Increase your word vocabulary and have fun! Crossword Challenge - puzzle game. Solve electronic crossword puzzles on your computer interactively! Many puzzles included. Answer peek, save you unfinished work to disk options are featured. A fun way to increase your vocabulary. No pencil or paper required! A cruciverbalist's delight....

    Bible Lesson Record Book iconBible Lesson Record Book 1.03   (Downloads: 311)
    Sunday School teacher's Bible lesson workbook THE BIBLE LESSON RECORD BOOK - Sunday School teacher's tool. This software program will generate a Bible lesson record book that you can print. The printed pages that the program will produce will provide a quick reference history of each student's knowledge of the Bible as they graduate from one Bible class to another. The printed sheets contain the entire Bible broken down into books, chapters and groups of verses. Helpful to Sunday School teachers....

    Early Mortgage Payoff iconEarly Mortgage Payoff 1.063   (Downloads: 435)
    Save tens of thousands of $$ on your mortgage Many home owners are not fully aware how much money can be saved in interest expense by shortening the life of a mortgage. Early Mortgage Payoff was written to show the homeowner the HUGE savings that can be realized by making additional principal payments to a loan. There are no gimmicks here, just simple math! Most homeowners would love to burn their mortgage papers. Many dream of one day fully owning their home, of obtaining the peace of mind that comes with no ...

    The Heavens Declare iconThe Heavens Declare 1.00   (Downloads: 262)
    Inspirational Bible verses bootup images The Heavens Declare replaces that boring Windows bootup screen with inspirational Bible verses and breathtaking nature images. The Heavens Declare will randomly display a Bible verse on your screen in place of the Microsoft Windows start up screen. Rather than stare at that boring and meaningless Windows logo, you can now enjoy some of your favorite Bible verses!...

    Postal Code Distance Wizard iconPostal Code Distance Wizard 2.01   (Downloads: 324)
    Locates Canadian postal codes based upon distances from other postal codes The Postal Code Distance Wizard allows you to locate Postal Codes that are within close proximity of a specified Postal Code. For example, let's say that you are a direct marketer and you want to send out a mass mailing to all addresses within a 50 kilometers radius of a particular postal code. But how do you know what postal codes are within a 50 kilometers radius of a specific postal code? Or perhaps you are a sales person who obtains commissions based on sales...

    Notable Quotables iconNotable Quotables 1.01   (Downloads: 315)
    Database containing folk wisdom and witticisms from around of the world. Because one head cannot hold all of the wisdom in the world...we bring to you Notable Quotables! A simple yet rich database containing folk wisdom from around of the world. Here you will find inspirational thoughts, humorous musings, and cynical barbs from thousands of the greatest minds and sharpest wits that ever lived. Browse through over 3600 famous (and not so famous) quotations containing words of wisdom and thought provoking words.
    Browse through over...

    Password Guardian iconPassword Guardian 5.02   (Downloads: 312)
    Safely protects passwords, codes, personal IDs Password Guardian is handy software database that stores all of your passwords into a single, convenient file.В  Password information can be stored, edited and printed easily. Do you keep forgetting all those different passwords for America Online, the Internet, bulletin boards systems, ATM bank cards, accounts, PIN's, etc.?В  Here's a easy, safe and secure software solution...Password Guardian! Your passwords are now safe because they are encrypted to prevent...

    ZIP Code Distance Wizard iconZIP Code Distance Wizard 2.00   (Downloads: 225)
    Locates ZIP Codes that are within close proximity of a specified ZIP Code. The ZIP Code Distance Wizard allows you to locate ZIP Codes that are within close proximity of a specified ZIP Code. For example, let's say that you are a direct marketer and you want to send out a mass mailing to all addresses within a 50 mile radius of a particular ZIP Code. But how do you know what ZIP Codes are within a 50 mile radius of a specific ZIP Code? Or perhaps you are a sales person who obtains commissions based on sales that occur within a 100 mile ...

    Unzip Wizard iconUnzip Wizard 3.20.32   (Downloads: 403)
    Easiest way to unzip ZIP files. 1-2-3-unzip! The Unzip Wizard - A decompression utility that makes unzipping ZIP archive files simple. Step by step instructions greatly helps novices who are unfamiliar with unzipping. The Wizard knows his stuff, and he will be happy to step you through the unzipping process. The friendly Unzip Wizard interface will make you feel confident and secure that your ZIP files are being unarchived properly. It's as easy as 1-2-3! Simply... 1) Choose the ZIP file you wish to unzip, 2)...

    Quiz Script Creator iconQuiz Script Creator 1.02   (Downloads: 359)
    Creates Javascript quizzes quickly and professionally. Quiz Script Creator is the quickest and most efficient software tool available to create Javascript quizzes that can be taken using any web browser. Quiz Script Creator allows teachers, students, educators, parents and businesses to easily generate their own interactive quizzes. Quiz Script Creator supports multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank style quizzes. The quizzes that you create can be uploaded to a web site, or attached to an email message, or used locally...

    Big Math Attack iconBig Math Attack 3.00   (Downloads: 227)
    Tests your child's math, spelling, and typing skills in a fun arcade environment Big Math Attack! is a colorful, graphical educational program that tests your child's math solving, spelling, and typing skills in a fun arcade environment. Several skill levels are available that makes this program suitable for both children and adults. Top scores in each category are recorded to track one's progress. The objective of the game is to protect your city from falling meteorites. The "meteorites" are disguised as math problems. The only defe...

    My Screen Saver iconMy Screen Saver 2.03   (Downloads: 293)
    Have you ever wanted your very own, personalized screen saver? Now you can... Have you ever wanted to design your very own, personalized Windows screen saver? Now you can build one, adding your favorite graphic images, words of wisdom or business promotional notices.

    My Screen Saver allows you to:

    Display a sequence of your own favorite graphic images. Supports BMP, JPG and GIF formats. Create your own personal slide show. Create a screen saver that includes pictures of family members, sports stars, and movie star...

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