Natural Healing Introduction 2.5 (Downloads: 426)
Describes a variety of alternative medicine and natural healing therapies! The Natural Healing Introduction presents many of today's popular alternative medicine therapies alongside ancient healing traditions and new discoveries. Featured Therapies: Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Autogenic Training, Ayurveda, Biofeedback, Chiropractic Treatment, Color Therapy, Herbs, Homeopathy, Hydrotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Light Therapy, Magnetic Fields, Meditation, Nutrition and Acid-Base Balance, Reflexology, Sound Therapy, Therapeutic Touch, Tissue Salts, ...
Side-Effects 4.6 (Downloads: 962)
Side-Effects lists 1400+ Brand name prescription Drugs. Side-Effects Software lists possible side-effects and interactions of 1440+ commonly prescribed brand name drugs, 200+ herbs, foods, vitamins and minerals. Also includes text files and a Food Poisoning Chart. This software does not suggest to either use or not use any specific drug, herb or food item....
Cancer Educational Software 4.6 (Downloads: 408)
Cancer, Conventional, Complementary and Alternative Treatments. Cancer software is an educational tool. Listed are many conventional, complementary, natural and alternative treatments. It does not invite to diagnose, prescribe, or self-medicate. Cancer software lists information, chemicals databank, text files, and alternative options....
Wellness 4.4 (Downloads: 477)
Wellness Alternative Medicine Software - Herbs, Homeopathy, Nutrition databases Wellness Software is a vast compilation of known alternative medicine and natural healing therapies! Search quickly or take your time browsing through the large Afflictions (275 entries) and Herbal (540+ herbs) Databases. Also explore Wellness Software's many charts, text files, and mini-databanks on: Homeopathy (70 entries), the Immune System, Parasites, Phytochemicals, Rejuvenation, Tonics, Color Therapy, basic First Aid, Nutrition (Amino Acids, Antioxidants, Vita...