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CADViewX: ActiveX for DWG, DXF, PLT, CGM 8.0 - Ordering Page
Description: Embed CAD & image viewer with powerful print features into any application... (more)
You can purchase the full version of CADViewX: ActiveX for DWG, DXF, PLT, CGM 8.0 for $400.00 from Share-It registration service:
CADViewX: ActiveX for DWG, DXF, PLT, CGM is provided as trial version for free download directly from our site.
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Active Calculator Component 2.0.2008.727 (2008-07-27) update evaluate expression easily
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WinPopup ActiveX 1.04 (2007-01-23) update WinPopup ActiveX let you add LAN messaging functionalities to your applications.
Serial Port ActiveXControl 2.0 (2004-10-05) new Control external devices with serial interface - use Serial Port AX Control.
Active Query Builder ActiveX Edition 1.13 (2009-08-03) new True two-way Query Builder ActiveX control to build complex SQL queries easily.
AzSDK PDF Split Merge ActiveX DLL 2.00 (2011-09-20) new PDF Split-Merge ActiveX SDK for win developer
Eye4Software GPS SDK 4.0 (2012-02-15) update Toolkit to add GPS and coordinate conversion functionality to software (GPS API)
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PDFToolkit Pro 3.0.2011.1111 (2011-11-11) update PDFToolkitPro Help: All in one PDF ActiveX, split, merge pdf, encrypt, decrypt
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VImpX - ETL ActiveX (2012-03-02) update Integrate Data import routine into own software and save thousands
Virtual Serial Port ActiveX 3.5 (2004-09-17) new Create virtual serial port and fully control it from your application.
PDF Viewer Component 3.2 (2008-10-10) new Integrated with Read-Only PDF Viewer Component
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