MobaSSH 1.22 (Downloads: 536)
Free SSH server for Windows MobaSSH is a free SSH server for Windows, compatible with any ssh client (OpenSSH client, Putty, ...).
Windows version supported : 2000, XP, and now Sever 2003, Server 2008, Vista and Seven
MobaSSH comes with an easy to use installer and some useful GNU utilities for monitoring and managing a remote computer silently : bash, grep, gawk, top, vmstat, rsync, vim, ...
MobaSSH is packaged in a small single executable that registers as a W...
MobaPhoto 1.42 (Downloads: 470)
Batch resize, crop, edit pictures and create photo galleries very easily MobaPhoto is an exceptional freeware tool that works to administer your digital photo collection, and it will become essential to you if you are one of those who stores thousands of digital images in their PCs. MobaPhoto allows you to batch resize, correct red-eyes, crop and rename all your pictures very easily.
Apart from all the things you can do to individual photos, you can also create galleries, or upload them to publish them on the web comfortab...