MainMedia Tiff Image & Fax ActiveX SDK 1.52 - Author Info Page
Description: image activex, image viewer activex, tiff image activex.. (more)
Author Info for MainMedia Tiff Image & Fax ActiveX SDK 1.52
Author/Company Name: Mainmedia Software
Country: USA
Web Site: http://www.mainmediasoft.com
Programs listed: 9
Other listings by this author |
MainMedia Image Converter ActiveX SDK 3.25 (Downloads: 742)
pdf tiff jpeg png tga ras image converter activex Image Converter ActiveX Component can convert, resize to different image formats. It include convert to bmp, jpg, tif, png, gif, pcx, jp2, ico, jpc, pgx, pnm, ras, tga, wbmp and also it support input PDF file.
Convert to bmp, jpg, tif, png, gif, pcx, jp2, ico, jpc, pgx, pnm, ras, tga, wbmp image format.
Support input PDF,bmp, jpg, tif, png, gif, pcx, jp2, ico, jpc, pgx, pnm, ras, tga, wbmp image format.
Resize image to bmp, jpg, tif, png, gif, pc...
Mainmedia Audio Pitch Directshow Filter 2.42 (Downloads: 697)
Audio Pitch Filter is a powerful transform filter that allows change the audio Audio Pitch Filter is a powerful transform filter that allows change the audio pitch or audio tempo when playback video or audio file in any Directshow base application (Delphi, .Net, vb, vc++). .
Support change the audio pitch or audio tempo in any Directshow app
It include c#, vc+ sample source code. ...
Mainmedia Quick Time Source Directshow Filter 3.25 (Downloads: 512)
Quick Time Source Filter is a powerful directshow source filter for playback mov Quick Time Source Filter is a powerful source filter that allows playback mov, ipod, psp, mp4 video with aac audio, 3gp video with amr audio in any Directshow base application. The quality of video same as Quick Time Player.
Support playback mov, ipod, psp, mp4 video with aac audio, 3gp video with amr audio in any Directshow base application.
Include c#, VC++ sample.
Compatible with any programming language that supports Directshow...
Mainmedia Video Processing Directshow Filter 1.32 (Downloads: 381)
video processing directshow filter sdk, rotate video, flip grayscale video Video Processing Filter is a powerful transform filter that allows rotate the video in 90, 180, and 270 degrees ,keep aspect ratio when rotated the video in 90 and 270 degrees , flip the video, convert a RGB video stream to Grayscale and invert color.
Support rotate the video in 90, 180, and 270 degrees in any Directshow base application.
Support keep aspect ratio when rotated the video in 90 and 270 degrees.
It can be used during capture for real...
Mainmedia FLV Directshow Source Filter 1.35 (Downloads: 582)
FLV Directshow source filte allows playback FLV Flash Video. FLV Directshow source filte allows playback FLV Flash Video.
Support playback FLV in any Directshow base application.
Include c#, VC++ sample.
Compatible with any programming language that supports Directshow...
Mainmedia FLV Directshow Pro Source Filter 1.35 (Downloads: 548)
FLV Directshow source filte allows playback FLV Flash Video. FLV Directshow source filte allows playback FLV Flash Video from hard disk and url.
Support playback FLV in any Directshow base application.
Include c#, VC++ sample.
Compatible with any programming language that supports Directshow...
Mainmedia F4V Encoder directshow SDK 1.21 (Downloads: 217)
F4V encoder directshow filter sdk, transcode to f4v. Support encode F4V video file in any Directshow base application.
Video and Audio encoding using industry leading standards such as H.264, AAC.
Video files, Video capture or network streaming can be used as sources.
Specifiable Video Frame rate, Video bitrate.
Specifiable Video Frame Size, support HD resolution.
Specifiable Audio bitrate, Audio channels and Sample Rate.
Compatible with any programming language (c++, c#, vb, vb.net...
Mainmedia Image Converter Pro ActiveX Component 1.35 (Downloads: 787)
pdf tiff jpeg png tga ras image converter activex Convert to bmp, jpg, tif, png, gif, pcx, jp2, ico, jpc, pgx, pnm, ras, tga, wbmp image format.
It include over 50 image effects, 3DGrid Effect, Contrast Effect, Brightness Effect, Adjust RGB Effect, Auto Color Enhance Effect, Auto Color Level Effect, Auto Contrast Effect, Blinds Effect, Blur Average Effect, Blur Gauss Effect, Blur Radial Effect, Blur Zoom Effect,Color Balance Effect, Color Level Effect, Color Tone Effect, Cylinder Effect, Edges Detect Effect,...