VB AntiCrack 1.5 (Downloads: 210)
Protector for Visual Basic applications VB AntiCrack is used to make it more difficult to crack your programs written in Visual Basic 6.0. Most crackers will not be able to crack your program because they will not find a single text strings in your EXE file, which will make searching for the code they need much more complicated. As you can guess, it makes sense to use this program only if your program is not freeware and has a time limitation or password protection, which makes it interesting for those wh...
VB Decompiler 8.4 (Downloads: 1276)
Decompiler of Visual Basic programs. Decompiling forms, p-code, native code VB Decompiler is decompiler for programs (EXE, DLL or OCX) written in Visual Basic 5.0 and 6.0 and disassembler for programs written on .NET technology. As you know, programs in Visual Basic can be compiled into interpreted p-code or into native code. .NET assembly always compiled to just in time compilable IL code.
Since p-code consists of high-level commands, there is a real possibility to decompile it into the source code (of course, the names of va...